Entries for category "Print | Web"

Aljazeera: Oceans of Pollutions

Dr Wallace J Nichols, a research associate at the California Academy of Sciences, told Al Jazeera he finds plastic on every beach he visits across the globe, and added, "Probably every sea turtle on the planet interacts with plastic at some point in its life." According to the Association Terranostra,…

Boulder Weekly: Blue Colorado

BY ELIZABETH MILLER No, really, take a breath in. And then another. And then one more. At least one of those three breaths was supplied by the ocean. About half of the air we breathe comes from phytoplankton in the ocean. Just in case you weren’t convinced that what’s in…

ecosalon: The power of individuals

by Anna Brones on June 6, 2012 in NEWS & CULTURE Telling the stories of movers and shakers around the world and inspiring action for positive change. What happens when you commit your life to making real change? Ask Julio Solis, a sea turtle conservationist in Puerto San Carlos, Baja…

SAGA KNEWS: Positive Effect of Ocean on your Mind

What is the emotional connection between humans and the ocean? It's a fascinating question and on June 4-5, 2012 conservationists, researchers, artists and cognitive neuroscientists are travelling to the Outer Banks to explore the answers. The summit will take place at Jennette's Pier in Nags Head, and SAGA Construction is…