Entries for category "Print | Web"

Big Think

Many people feel a profound connection to water, whether it's oceans, rivers, or lakes. Now, science might have found an explanation: Blue Mind. In cities all over the world the importance of green spaces are being recognized and taken advantage of. The advantages of parks are many, and include better…

Posdata: Wallace J. Nichols en Monterrey

En el marco del Día de la Tierra, el activista Wallace J. Nichols en Monterrey, México, aseguró que "Es necesaria la creación de una ‘conciencia azul’, para con ello salvar con cuidados y protección a lo que llamamos ‘casa’." Durante una charla de reflexión sobre el futuro de la Tierra…

Scientists Gather for Sea Turtle Conservation

Media Contacts: Kate Hendrickson, Media Relations Manager410-576-3860, khendrickson@aqua.orgAmy Burke Friedman, Profiles, Inc.410-243-3790, afriedman@profilespr.comWallace J Nichols, PhD, International Sea Turtle Societywallacejnichols@me.com(Baltimore, MD) - Sea turtles have been an integral part of ecosystems for more than 60 million years and, this week, National Aquarium will be co-hosting 33rd Annual Symposium on Sea…