Entries for category "Print | Web"

Santa Cruz Patch: Birth of New Literary Magazine in Santa Cruz is Promising

Those who say "print is dead" have never clutched a carefully designed collection of artwork and writing and felt an electric charge of anticipation. A sleekness of style, a perfect balance between stunning images and intriguing content—the magazines that do it right never get old or tired, only more valuable…

DePauw News: Community Service Experience at DePauw Opened Doors for Marine Biologist J. Nichols '89

"In 1987, I was a nineteen-year-old biology student at DePauw University, a small liberal arts college in Greencastle, Indiana," Wallace J. Nichols writes in Catamaran Literary Reader, a new quarterly print magazine. The marine biologist and author, a 1989 DePauw graduate, offers an essay titled "Outré Banks of the Mind."…

Santa Cruz Sentinel: 'Tip the Ocean' raises $1,000

A program for diners to "tip the ocean" at the Davenport Roadhouse raised nearly $1,000 at its launch during the Oktoberfest by the Sea Sept. 29-30. Funds go to a trio of local conservation groups, Save Our Shores, O'Neill Sea Odyssey and LiVBLUE, for neighborhood beach cleanups and educational programs…