Entries for category "Print | Web"

Bioneers Offer Eco-Education to Thousands

by Shepherd Bliss Bioneers transformed a sprawling suburban civic center north of San Francisco into an educational eco-village for a sell-out gathering of over 3000 people Oct. 14-16. Bioneers are "biological pioneers," according to its producers Kenny Ausubel and Nina Simons. Another 8000 or so participated in 16 sites around…

Los Cabos Insider: The Ocean Ambassador

The Ocean Ambassadors If one could sit quietly on a Mexican beach long enough, eventually a sea turtle would edge by. Of course, there are beaches where the waiting would be short—minutes or hours—and others where the waiting may be longer—days, months or even decades. But eventually, with time, a…

Tortuga Marina: Atencion, machos depredadores!

Por Homero Aridjis (Ninguna) (27 Marzo 2005).- Con el fin de la Semana Santa presuntamente terminan las comidas ilegales donde la sopa y la carne de tortuga marina son los platos mayores de los mexicanos en Baja California y algunas ciudades estadounidenses con poblaciones mexicanas como Phoenix, Tucson, San Diego…


CATCH FISH, Not Turtles, USING LONGLINES Protecting Sea Turtles, Saving Your Livelihood Sea turtles are valued by people around the world. They are a symbol of longevity, fertility, strength, and protection from harm. They are often a valuable eco-tourism attraction. In spite of this, sea turtle populations are declining due…