Entries for category "Print | Web"

DePauw News: Sea Turtle Research Featured

April 12, 2007, Greencastle, Ind. - The work of Wallace J. Nichols, senior sea turtle scientist for the Ocean Conservancy and 1989 graduate of DePauw University, is in the spotlight this weekend. A story in the latest edition of Ocean Conservancy magazine tells of how Nichols, who goes by "J.",…

Teorema: Siguen a tortuga caguama de Mexico a Japon

Un grupo de 20 pescadores, conservacionistas e investigadores de México, Japón y Estados Unidos se reunieron en noviembre para conmemorar el décimo aniversario del rastro de Adelita, la primera tortuga marina en proporcionar la prueba física de su migración transpacífica vía telemetría de satélite desde Baja California Sur hasta Japón.…

Real Natural Health: Ocean Pressure

By Casey Adams, Ph.D. As we look to the ocean increasingly for nutrition, we face concerns not only of profitability and market size, but also of sustainability and stewardship. Over the past two years two important studies have been released—the Pew Oceans Commission Final Report and the Congress’ Oceans Commissions…

KTVU: Plastic Waste Creating Ocean-Sized Crisis

SANTA CRUZ — While most people seem to appreciate the beauty of the sea, many treat it like a huge garbage dump. This behavior is building up a toxic amount of plastics in the ocean that could one day endanger the sea, all sea life and humanity itself.Local resident Fran…