Entries for category "Print | Web"

New York Times Magazine: A sea of Trash

Off Gore Point, where tide rips collide, the rolling swells rear up and steepen into whitecaps. Quiet with concentration, Chris Pallister decelerates from 15 knots to 8, strains to peer through a windshield blurry with spray, tightens his grip on the wheel and, like a skier negotiating moguls, coaxes his…

Destino Magazine: Grupo Tortuguero : 10 YEARS

by Patricia BaumGrupo Tortuguero’s Tenth Annual Conference (GT10) in Loreto this past January 18-27 was a landmark for the grassroots turtle conservation network. Apart from celebrating ten years of struggles and triumphs in Baja’s coastal fishing communities, and hosting the 15th annual meeting of RETOMALA, the Latin American consortium of…