Entries for category "Print | Web"

Randall Arauz and Dr. Wallace J. Nichols Join Turtle Island Restoration Network Board

Olema, CA. Turtle Island Restoration Network announced this week that Randall Arauz, director of the Costa Rican environmental organization PRETOMA, and Dr. Wallace J. Nichols, of Davenport, CA, have joined the organization’s board of directors. Turtle Island Restoration Network is a nonprofit environmental organization that sponsors initiatives including the Sea…

SC Sentinel: New rules proposed to protect turtles

By. GENEVIEVE BOOKWALTER SANTA CRUZ -- New rules proposed to protect endangered leatherback turtles off the West Coast could have far-reaching effects on Monterey Bay clean energy, desalination and other projects as federal officials seek a balance between increased human demands on the sea and resources that the rare creatures…

Sea Turtle Soup? No Thanks!

Catherine Clarke Fox Sea turtles have been on Earth for millions of years, but they are in danger of going extinct. The main threat to them is people who kill them for food, according to Dr. Wallace J. Nichols of the California Academy of Sciences and The Ocean Conservancy.But the…

Oceana: Sound, Brain and Ocean Waves

By Emily Fisher Last time we heard from Dr. Wallace "J." Nichols, he sent us wisdom from a coconuthttp://usa.oceana.org/blog/thinking-coconut. Now he's back with several cool new projects. The first is called Ocean Voices, a website where you can record your own thoughts on the oceans and listen to others' voices,…