Entries for category "Live Blue Blog"

Get Your Blue Mind On

Co-authored by Sarah Kornfeld Our brains have an amazing ability to do something: hide a world of truth from us. We're able to tune out the blinking lights and honking horns, the stress of work, the underwater mortgage, and those inappropriate clothes and music our kids prefer. Meanwhile, people around…

Steve Jobs, Apple, and the Sea Turtles

This will sound like a stretch, but sea turtles owe much to the genius of Steve Jobs. As a young student of conservation genetics, my first computer was an Apple. At that time, geneticists went with Apple mostly by default as the graphics-rich software for sequencing DNA ran best, if…


The ocean is the single biggest feature of our planet. From one million miles away we resemble a small blue marble, from one billion miles a pale blue dot. The ocean covers more than 70% of the Earth's surface, holds more than 80% of its biodiversity and 90% of its…

Ten Great Places to Visit and Help Wild Animals

Modern people are increasingly cut off from nature yet wild animals are increasingly in need of our help. Tourism is by no means a silver bullet solution, but if done right it can be good for travelers and help protect the animals. Conservation travel is an emerging way for travelers…