Entries for category "Live Blue Blog"
Oct. 30, 2012
The moon governs the tides, as it always has.Heat, evaporation, the earth's rotation, and wind collaborate on storms. Just as they have for billions of years.You live on a former sand dune. You live in a flood plain. You live on a filled-in wetland. Your basement is below sea level.You've…
Oct. 8, 2012
PlasticNews.com asks us to "Join a debate on plastic ban bans". Starting their post with: "Are plastic grocery bags "deadly and costly," or is their harm "overblown"? That's a question The Wall Street Journal is asking readers today, as part of a report it calls "Big Issues." The newspaper has…
Oct. 3, 2012
Paul Thomas Anderson, the man behind the film 'The Master' discusses Blue Mind and loving the ocean with Terry Gross on NPR. GROSS: So the movie opens with a shot of kind of swirling ocean water and that shot is, like, reprised much deeper into the film. ANDERSON: Yeah. GROSS:…
Sept. 24, 2012
You've probably driven right by us. I'll bet you were speeding. Next time, slow down, stop and say hi. Stay a while. Just a few dozen miles south of San Francisco, west of Silicon Valley or north of Santa Cruz you'll find the Slow Coast. It's a 50-mile stretch of…
Sept. 22, 2012
Join Dr. Wallace “J” Nichols on this Conservation Adventure Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes of conservation projects of wild and endangered species? This is your chance to experience it! This January, RED Sustainable Travel is partnering withGrupo Tortuguero for the ultimate travel adventure. Join Grupo…