Entries for category "Live Blue Blog"

Poem: Walking with grace

The air feels like another season. Thoughts and feelings And the sun’s track Are simultaneously New and the same. Deeply rich as ever Though with the unfamiliar weight Of a new pair of shoes Now I walk with grace. Strong smells of the nutmeg trees Dropping their seeds on the…

Poem: My Dear Carotid

Forgive me these years Of quiet indifference Of cold shoulders And coy ignorance. Your acquaintance was Made under less than Cordial circumstances: Dr. Stark’s Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy 201, To be exact. Oh, now I remember Who you are And what you do. When my wet eyes are closed My father’s…

The truth

With the release Al Gore’s film An Inconvenient Truth, I’m on the verge of of one of the more "patriotic" July 4th’s since 1996 when I heard Seiji Ozawa conduct the Boston Symphony playing Copland's “Fanfare for the Common Man” (LISTEN here) at Tanglewood with James Earl Jones reading the…

An inconvenience?

Just see this film. The issue of our lifetimes. No excuses. Just as Michael Moore’s Farenheit 9-11 seems remarkably prescient now, An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore’s book Earth in the Balance and his relentless work to make the future of our planet a more serious political issue hit the nail…

One-armed traveler

Back from a wonderful week of work in Baja, helping out with an Animal Planet film. We shared air and sea with mantas, whales, sea turtles, sharks, sea lions, reef fish...and even an intertidal rattlesnake. It’s good to work with people who are both skilled at what they do and…