Entries for category "Live Blue Blog"

Poem: Japan Train II

Japan Train II The man in the blue uniform And the formal hat Stands straight in his white gloves At the back of the train. Kumatori, next stop, he says Along with some other polite words (polite sounding, to me, that is). In his punctual shoes And his punctual haircut…

Poem: Can be

I wrote these few sparse words down in the form of a rough poem shortly after meeting my biological father for the first time some years ago. This week he visited me in California for the first time and we’ve exhausted ourselves trying to share a lifetime of stories. I…

Poem: Orkney

I’ve heard the fire sing In her soft rain. And I’ve seen the foam Dance in her hardest wind. Damp wool, the scent Rotting soil Salt. I find the highland everywhere And from my nightpost Await her call. Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow. So I wait through the night Again. (about the…

A lesson from Mexico

On Tuesday, the Governor’s Fish and Game Commission will make an ocean conservation decision that can be historic. They can establish an ocean legacy by creating a network of marine reserves from San Francisco to Santa Barbara. For inspiration, they can look just down-current. On Mexico’s Baja California peninsula marine…

About the poems

I write about the connections between people and nature. Often about our own fragile nature and humanity. Frequently, simple and descriptions of momentary interactions.Strung together, these poems bounce like a life bounces. As a student of life, a scientist, I explore my own biology and interdependence with the wild. In…