Real Natural Health: Ocean Pressure

By Casey Adams, Ph.D. As we look to the ocean increasingly for nutrition, we face concerns not only of profitability and market size, but also of sustainability and stewardship. Over the past two years two important studies have been released—the Pew Oceans Commission Final Report and the Congress’ Oceans Commissions…

Methods and Technologies in Fish Biology and Fisheries

Martin A. Hall, Hideki Nakano, Shelley Clark, Simon Thomas, Janice Molloy, S. Hoyt Peckham, Laudino-Santillán, Wallace J. Nichols, Eric Gilman, Jim Cook, et. al., Working with fisheries to reduce by-catch, Methods and Technologies in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 2007, Volume 7, Pages 235-288. Humans have been harvesting fish for at…

KTVU: Plastic Waste Creating Ocean-Sized Crisis

SANTA CRUZ — While most people seem to appreciate the beauty of the sea, many treat it like a huge garbage dump. This behavior is building up a toxic amount of plastics in the ocean that could one day endanger the sea, all sea life and humanity itself.Local resident Fran…