Peggy Townsend, Name Dropping: Turtle tale hits PBS

In 1996, local sea turtle researcher Wallace "J" Nichols attached a tracking device to a 233-pound loggerhead turtle he had named Adelita. Adelita swam in the waters of Baja California, sunning and feasting on the rich sea life, as the equipment monitored her whereabouts. Then one day, Adelita plunged into…

DePauw News: Sea Turtle Research Featured

April 12, 2007, Greencastle, Ind. - The work of Wallace J. Nichols, senior sea turtle scientist for the Ocean Conservancy and 1989 graduate of DePauw University, is in the spotlight this weekend. A story in the latest edition of Ocean Conservancy magazine tells of how Nichols, who goes by "J.",…

Marine Turtle Newsletter: 28th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico January 19-26, 2008

Wallace J. Nichols. 2007. 28th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico January 19-26, 2008. Marine Turtle Newsletter 117:15-17. President, International Sea Turtle SocietyPOB 324, Davenport, California 95017 USA (E-mail: Venue and Theme: Our plans for the 28th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle…

ISTS: Caguamas del Pacifico: En las manos de quien? Loggerhead turtles of the Pacific: In whose hands?

S. Hoyt Peckham, Alejandro A. Aguilar, Edgar Caballero-Aspe, Wallace J. Nichols and Christobal I. Figler. 2007. Caguamas del Pacifico: ¿En las manos de quién? Loggerhead turtles of the Pacific: In whose hands? In: Mast, R.B., Hutchinson, B.J., and A.H. Hutchinson, compilers. 2007. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Symposium on Sea…