Mission Sea Turtle

Here’s your mission should you choose to accept it: hold you breath for a month, eat an entire salad bar, swim a marathon a day for 2 weeks, while figuring out how to get to a place you haven’t been to since you were a baby 30 years ago, without…

Family Fun Magazine: Volunteer Outings

A veteran volunteer shares 4 ways families can make a difference on vacation by Melissa Gaskill My family discovered the singular satisfaction of blending vacations and volunteering one summer afternoon on a remote Mexican beach. For two hours, Holley, Collin, and Bridget (then ages 15,12, and 9), my husband, Corey,…

Your Plastic Footprint

. . . what's your plastic footprint?You know what I mean — the amount of disposable plastic stuff your lifestyle generates over the course of a day, a week, a year.Plastic stuff that you may use for a few seconds or minutes then discard into the bin, sending it off…

TalkZone: SEE Turtles

On this episode, travel under the ocean waves on a sea turtle expedition with Ocean Conservancy Senior Scientist Wallace J Nichols. Well learn more about what hes doing to protect the worlds population sea turtles, and what we as tourists can do to help. Then - with spring in the…