EplerWood and SEEturtle.org partner

EplerWood International is launching an emergency initiative to help conserve endangered sea turtles in El Salvador. A recent ban on turtle egg collection along the entire coast of El Salvador will help stem the loss of thousands of hatchlings. But turtle collectors face a dramatic loss of income in areas…

SC Sentinel: The Fate of Turtle Island

Graceful and deliberate, sea turtles tend our ocean lagoons and coral reefs, returning to land to lay their eggs. In the South China Sea, Indonesia's 250-island Anambas chain, some distance from this week's tragic earthquake, includes the half-mile-long Durai Island. This island is where most of the region's sea turtles…

New England Aquarium: Why do we Live Blue?

Wallace J. Nichols, PhD Research Associate, California Academy of Sciences & Founder/Co-Director, Ocean Revolution I live blue because…When I look around at the beauty of and challenges facing the planet we live on, there’s no better way to live. Why do you care about the environment?That’s kind of like asking…

Marine Ecology: black turtle movements

Louise B. Brooks, James T. Harvey, Wallace J, Nichols, Tidal movements of east Pacific green turtle, Chelonia mydas, at a foraging area in Baja California Sur, Mexico, Marine Ecology Progress Series, July 2009, Volume 386, Pages 263-274, http://www.seaturtle.org/PDF/BrooksLB_2009_MarEcolProgSer.pdf Abstract We tracked East Pacific green turtles Chelonia mydas using GPS-VHF telemetry…