Plastic Pollution Coalition Ignites Social Movement

Plastic Pollution Coalition Ignites Social Movement with TEDxGreatPacificGarbagePatch -- Concluding with Four Challenges to Individuals, Businesses and Policymakers Challenges will drive international REFUSE campaign Source: PR Newswire Nov. 8, 2010 LOS ANGELES, Nov. 8, 2010 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --TEDxGreatPacificGarbagePatch concluded with four specific challenges to business, policy makers and individuals to refuse…

Nov 6, 2010 - TEDxGreatPacificGarbagePatch

Los Angeles, CA 6 November 2010 Four Challenges 1. To Individuals and Businesses – REFUSE disposable plastics: These objects, created to be used for only a few moments, stay with us forever at a tremendous cost to the planet and the environment. 2. To Manufacturers of Virgin Resin Product; To…