The Inertia: Mind Surfing

For many people – surfers and non-surfers alike – the experience of standing on the shore and gazing out at the ocean is deeplysatisfying. There is something uniquely calming and contemplative about an ocean vista – something that touches us on an emotional level, but is nonetheless difficult to put…

Marine Turtle Newsletter: Plastic pollution.

Colette Wabnitz and Wallace J. Nichols. 2010. Plastic Pollution: An Ocean Emergency. Marine Turtle Newsletter 129: 1-4. The oceans have become one giant refuse bin for all manner of plastics. Environmental and health concerns associated with plastic pollution are a long recognised international problem (Carpenter & Smith 1972). Whilst approximately…

The Story of Plastic and Toxic Art

The stuff of war is the stuff of art. Some of the earliest cave drawings depict tribal strife. Since before history, the material and materiel of war has served as a vast palette for artists to explore and explain the times in which they live. Eighteen-year-old Lovetta Conto designs jewelry…

The Costa Report

Rebecca Costa is an American sociobiologist who offers a genetic explanation for current events, emerging trends and individual behavior. A thought-leader and provocative new voice in the mold of Thomas Friedman, Malcolm Gladwell and Jared Diamond, Costa traces everything from terrorism, debt, epidemic obesity, and upheaval in the Middle East…