Kiyoshi Kimura, owner of the Tokyo-based restaurant chain Sushi Zanmai, recently paid 1.76 million dollars for a very nice looking 488-pound bluefin tuna. That's an average of about $3,600 per pound -- a mere $225 per ounce.An ounce of raw bluefin tuna is a small firm glistening pink thing. It's…
S. Hoyt Peckham, Raquel Briseño, Kama Dean, Naoki Kamezaki, Irene Kinan, Mizuno Kojiro, Johath Laudino-Santillán, Yoshimasa Matsuzawa, Leland Oldenburg, Ignacio Romero-Aguilar, Georgita Ruiz, Israel Richie-Sánchez, Miguel Valenzuela and Wallace J. Nichols. 2008. Connecting cultures to save a transpacific ambassador, the loggerhead turtle. In: Rees, A.F., M. Frick, A. Panagopoulou and…
Resendiz, A., Resendiz, B., Nichols, WJ., Seminoff, JA., Kamezaki, N., First confirmed east-west transpacific movement of a loggerhead sea turtle, Caretta caretta, released in Baja California, Mexico, Pacific Science, Volume 52, Number 2, Pages 151-153, April 1998. In July 1994 a loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) was released from the central…