Entries for tag "grupo tortuguero"
March 31, 2002
Chris Pesenti (This article was originally published in the Journal of Environment and Development, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2002). How do you gauge the successfulness of an environmental conference? If it is based on numbers of attendees, it would be hard to dispute the success of the 4th Annual Meeting…
Oct. 1, 2001
LISTEN to NPR's report on this story. Early morning: A light breeze barely ruffles the waters in Banderitas Estuary. Flashes of silver dart underneath the turquoise motorboat. Along the shore, bright green mangroves dip their gnarled, entwined limbs into and out of the water. Photograph by Jeffrey L. Brown. If…
July 22, 2001
PUERTO SAN CARLOS, MEXICO-- Here along the Pacific coast of Mexico's Baja California peninsula, a celebration--Easter, a birthday, the arrival of important guests--calls for a meal of caguama, or turtle. Locals also covet the animal's medicinal properties. The best-tasting, according to most, is the East Pacific green turtle (Chelonia mydas).…
July 1, 2000
Wallace J. Nichols, Kristin E. Bird, Salvador Garcia, Community-based research and its application to sea turtle conservation in Bahía Magdalena, BCS, Mexico, Marine Turtle Newsletter, Volume 89, 2000, Pages 4-7. Five species of sea turtle are known to inhabit the coastal waters of Mexico. The two most common species to…
Jan. 9, 2000
by Melissa Paxton, Baja Life Magazine (January 2000) The tides may be truly be changing along both coasts of the Baja Peninsula for the five endangered species of sea turtle who claim Baja’s waters as home. Against all odds, many of the fishermen once known to hunt these turtles are…