Entries for category "Publications"
Dec. 23, 2010
Colette Wabnitz and Wallace J. Nichols. 2010. Plastic Pollution: An Ocean Emergency. Marine Turtle Newsletter 129: 1-4. The oceans have become one giant refuse bin for all manner of plastics. Environmental and health concerns associated with plastic pollution are a long recognised international problem (Carpenter & Smith 1972). Whilst approximately…
Aug. 15, 2010
Senko, Jesse, Volker Koch, William M. Megill, Raymond R. Carthy, Robert P. Templeton, and Wallace J. Nichols. 2010. Fine scale daily movements and habitat use of East Pacific green turtles at a shallow coastal lagoon in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 391 (1–2): 92–100.…
May 26, 2010
Hamann, M, MH Godfrey, JA Seminoff, K Arthur, PCR Barata, KA Bjorndal, AB Bolten, AC Broderick, LM Campbell, C Carreras, P Casale, M Chaloupka, SKF Chan, MS Coyne, LB Crowder, CE Diez, PH Dutton, SP Epperly, NN FitzSimmons, A Formia, M Girondot, GC Hays, IJ Cheng, Y Kaska, R Lewison,…
March 10, 2010
Melania C. López-Castro, Volker Koch, Antonio Mariscal-Loza, Wallace J. Nichols, Long-term monitoring of black turtles, Chelonia mydas, at coastal areas off the Baja California Peninsula, Endangered Species Research, 2010, Volumber 11, Pages 35-35, http://www.int-res.com/abstracts/esr/v11/n1/p35-45/ Abstract Monthly in-water monitoring was conducted at 5 foraging areas off the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico,…
Jan. 1, 2010
Jesse Senko, Melania C. López-Castro, Volker Koch, Wallace J. Nichols. 2010. Immature east Pacific green turtles (Chelonia mydas) use multiple foraging areas off the Pacific coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico, Pacific Science 64(1): 125-130. Abstract Since 2001, Grupo Tortuguero has been conducting monthly inwater monitoring of East Pacific green…