Entries for category "Books | Writing"

Catamaran Literary Reader

First published Oct 2012 in the Catamaran Literary Reader, paintings by Ran Ortner. Outre' Banks of the Mind by Wallace J. Nichols outre' (oo’tre) adjective. Unusual and startling, violating convention or propriety: “in 1975 the suggestion was considered outre'—today it is orthodox.” ORIGIN French, literally “exceeded,” past participle of outrer…

Surviving the Shark

Afterwords by Dr. Wallace J. Nichols for the book Surving the Shark by my our friend Jonathan. Book Description: Publication Date: July 1, 2012 The jolting and inspiring survival tale of Jonathan Kathrein’s encounter with a great white shark. In Surviving the Shark, Jonathan Kathrein describes his incredible shark attack…