Resolution on Hawksbill Sea Turtles and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)

Whereas in 1999 two proposals were presented to the CITES Secretariat to downlist hawksbill sea turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) encountered in Cuban waters from Appendix I (where international trade is banned) to Appendix II (where international trade is permitted), for the purpose of re-opening international commercial trade in hawksbill products, namely…

Proceedings of the 19th Annual ISTS: sea turtle genetics

Wallace J. Nichols, P. Dutton, J.A. Seminoff, E. Bixby, F.A. Abreu-Grobois, and A.R.S. Hidalgo. 2000. Poi or papas? Do Hawaiian and Mexican green turtles feed together in Baja California waters. In: Kalb, H.J. and T. Wibbels, compilers. Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. U.S.…

ISTS: Biology and Conservation of Loggerhead Turtles (Caretta caretta) in Baja California, Mexico

Wallace J. Nichols, Antonio Resendiz and Cesar Mayoral-Russeau. 2000. Biology and Conservation of Loggerhead Turtles (Caretta caretta) in Baja California, Mexico. In: Kalb, H.J. and T. Wibbels, compilers. Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. U.S. Dept. Commerce. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFSC-443, 291 p. There…

Proceedings of the 19th Annual ISTS: tracking leatherback turtles

Christopher Starbird, Wallace J. Nichols, and Donald A. Croll. Biotelemetry of Leatherback Sea Turtles (Dermochelys coriacea): A Novel In-Water Attachment Method for Transmitters. 2000. In: Kalb, H.J. and T. Wibbels, compilers. Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. U.S. Dept. Commerce. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFSC-443,…

ISTS: Research and management of loggerhead sea turtles, Caretta caretta, at the CRIP sea turtle research station, Bahia de los Angeles, Baja California, Mexico

Antonio Resendiz S. Hidalgo,, Beatris J. Resendiz, Jeffrey A. Seminoff, and Wallace J. Nichols. 2000. Research and management of loggerhead sea turtles, Caretta caretta, at the CRIP sea turtle research station, Bahia de los Angeles, Baja California, Mexico. In: Abreu-Grobois, F.A., R. Briseno-Duenas, R. Marquez, and L. Sarti, compilers. Proceedings…