Marine Neutraceuticals: Ocean Pressure

By Casey Adams, IHD Nutraceutical companies that continue to tap the ocean for nutrition should not only be concerned with profitability and market size, but also sustainability and stewardship. Over the past couple of years, two important studies have been released that address the latter issue. The "Pew Oceans Commission…

Bioneers Offer Eco-Education to Thousands

by Shepherd Bliss Bioneers transformed a sprawling suburban civic center north of San Francisco into an educational eco-village for a sell-out gathering of over 3000 people Oct. 14-16. Bioneers are "biological pioneers," according to its producers Kenny Ausubel and Nina Simons. Another 8000 or so participated in 16 sites around…

Earth Island Journal: A revolution for the ocean

By Dr. Wallace J. Nichols and Drew Weiner Canned tuna now contains enough mercury to poison unborn children, damaging their nervous systems. At sea, oceanographers find six times as much plastic as plankton. During this century, oceans will warm a degree and the sea level will rise another foot, enough…

Ocean Magazine: She Was the Sea

Joshua Slocum may we one day speak of the seas that you once sailed and of the way they seemed in those days of yours. Days that surrounded the earth. Did you feel yourself a conqueror or a passenger? Would you shout to the lonely depths of the sea and…