The Chronicle: Hollywood mainstream goes green

In response to increasing concerns over global warming, Hollywood has developed a trend of environmental films. This trend has led to the release of two mainstream documentaries, Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth and Leonardo DiCaprio's The 11th Hour. Stuart Pimm, Doris Duke Chair of Conservation Ecology at the Nicholas School…

Reality Sandwich: Believe in Bioneers

I recently attended the eighteenth annual Bioneers conference, which is hosted in San Rafael, California and broadcast live via satellite to nearly twenty cities in the U.S. The event's purpose is to discuss and elaborate ideas for creating an ecologically sustainable society. Presenters focus on practical strategies that environmentalists, social…

Bioneers Ocean Revolution Plenary

In this inspiring presentation, Wallace J. Nichols explores how new technologies and large-scale research projects have resulted in an explosion of invaluable information about the health of our ocean planet and what we can do to conserve the 80 percent of biodiversity and 90 percent of global habitat that “Mother…

Carl Safina: Loggerheads in the Headlines

When I was writing my book “Voyage of the Turtle,” my focus was on the sumo wrestler among sea turtles, the gigantic Leatherback that can weigh a ton. But through my travels, concern about another species, the Loggerhead Turtle, also kept recurring. Two recent publications merit attention: 1) a new…

Deep Sea News: Loggerhead turtles die by thousands in small fishery

By Peter Etnoyer Industrial fishing operations take most of the blame for collateral impacts to sea-turtle populations, but new research shows that small-scale fisheries–operated by hand from little open boats –can kill as many critically endangered loggerhead sea turtles as industrial scale fisheries. A pioneering case study conducted on small-scale…