Proceedings of the 27th Annual ISTS: Connecting cultures to save a transpacific ambassador, the loggerhead turtle

S. Hoyt Peckham, Raquel Briseño, Kama Dean, Naoki Kamezaki, Irene Kinan, Mizuno Kojiro, Johath Laudino-Santillán, Yoshimasa Matsuzawa, Leland Oldenburg, Ignacio Romero-Aguilar, Georgita Ruiz, Israel Richie-Sánchez, Miguel Valenzuela and Wallace J. Nichols. 2008. Connecting cultures to save a transpacific ambassador, the loggerhead turtle. In: Rees, A.F., M. Frick, A. Panagopoulou and…

Proceedings of the 27th Annual ISTS: Sea turtle bycatch and terrestrial ecology: A review of the interactions between strandings, scavengers and terrestrial ecosystems

Elena M. Finkbeiner and Wallace J. Nichols. 2008. Sea turtle bycatch and terrestrial ecology: A review of the interactions between strandings, scavengers and terrestrial ecosystems. In: Rees, A.F., M. Frick, A. Panagopoulou and K. Williams., compilers. Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. NOAA Technical…

EarthWatch Institute: Leonardo DiCaprio's The 11th Hour Wins Earthwatch's 22nd Annual Film Award

In partnership with the Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital and National Geographic Live!, Earthwatch, the world's largest international environmental volunteer organization, will present its 22nd Annual Earthwatch Film Award to the makers of The 11th Hour. A screening of the film will precede the award ceremony in the…

Outside Magazine: Eco-All Stars

You don't need to have billions or hold office to make a big difference. Just check out how this year's nine eco-all-stars—from a Chilean dam buster to a snowboarder who's seen the light—are changing the world. "We're putting too much into the ocean and taking too much out," says Wallace…