SAGA KNEWS: Positive Effect of Ocean on your Mind

What is the emotional connection between humans and the ocean? It's a fascinating question and on June 4-5, 2012 conservationists, researchers, artists and cognitive neuroscientists are travelling to the Outer Banks to explore the answers. The summit will take place at Jennette's Pier in Nags Head, and SAGA Construction is…

Marine Ecology Progress Series: hawksbill turtle movement

Gaos, AR, RL Lewison, BP Wallace, IL Yañez, MJ Liles, WJ Nichols, A Baquero, CR Hasbún, M Vasquez, J Urteaga, JA Seminoff. Spatial ecology of critically endangered hawksbill turtles Eretmochelys imbricata: implications for management and conservation. Marine Ecology Progress Series 450: 181-194. ABSTRACT: Elucidating spatio-temporal movements of animals is an…

Santa Cruz Weekly: Marine Biologist Explores Blue Mind

by Georgia Perry, Santa Cruz Weekly Wallace J. Nichols wants people to know that he is not a rebel. I’m sitting across from Nichols at the Davenport Roadhouse and we’re talking about the ocean, which he can see out the window over my right shoulder. The 44-year-old biologist, conservationist and…