Entries for date "2013"

Ten Years Later

Dear Blue Mind Angels, Ten year ago tomorrow we completed our 1,200 mile trek down our coast from Oregon to Mexico.Walking 1,200 miles along the ocean and living outside for four months teaches you a lot about nature, people, and yourself.A lot has happened over that decade, good and bad,…

Coolest Cop Ever Rescues 100 Baby Turtles...

We sent a blue marble to Officer Derek Conley to thank him for going above and beyond...and saving baby sea turtles. We are now following each other on twitter, and sharing the blue love. Read more about his efforts on the Take Part website: "Maybe they wanted to put their…

Posdata: Wallace J. Nichols en Monterrey

En el marco del Día de la Tierra, el activista Wallace J. Nichols en Monterrey, México, aseguró que "Es necesaria la creación de una ‘conciencia azul’, para con ello salvar con cuidados y protección a lo que llamamos ‘casa’." Durante una charla de reflexión sobre el futuro de la Tierra…

ReCoup Supports The Live Blue Foundation!

We are pleased to announce a partnership with ReCoup, a website that finds good offers on travel, services and goods and passes them along to you. If you shop ReCoup through our Live Blue store, you'll be getting good deals AND supporting our work for the ocean!