Entries for date "2012"

Catamaran Literary Reader

First published Oct 2012 in the Catamaran Literary Reader, paintings by Ran Ortner. Outre' Banks of the Mind by Wallace J. Nichols outre' (oo’tre) adjective. Unusual and startling, violating convention or propriety: “in 1975 the suggestion was considered outre'—today it is orthodox.” ORIGIN French, literally “exceeded,” past participle of outrer…

A Declaration of Interdependence

directed by @tiffanyshlain, music by MobyA DECLARATION OF INTERDEPENDENCE is a cloud film by the filmmakers behind the feature film CONNECTED (in theaters now, http://www.connectedthefilm.com).It premiered simultaneously at Interdependence Day Sept 12, 2011 in New York near Ground Zero and as a featured video on YouTube's homepage.To declare your interdependence…

Santa Cruz Sentinel: 'Tip the Ocean' raises $1,000

A program for diners to "tip the ocean" at the Davenport Roadhouse raised nearly $1,000 at its launch during the Oktoberfest by the Sea Sept. 29-30. Funds go to a trio of local conservation groups, Save Our Shores, O'Neill Sea Odyssey and LiVBLUE, for neighborhood beach cleanups and educational programs…