Entries for date "October 2012"

Santa Cruz Sentinel: 'Tip the Ocean' raises $1,000

A program for diners to "tip the ocean" at the Davenport Roadhouse raised nearly $1,000 at its launch during the Oktoberfest by the Sea Sept. 29-30. Funds go to a trio of local conservation groups, Save Our Shores, O'Neill Sea Odyssey and LiVBLUE, for neighborhood beach cleanups and educational programs…

Oct 9, 2012 - Hopkins Marine Station: Sea Turtles All The Way Down

Sea Turtles All The Way Down: Grassroots Networks, Knowledge and Communication Leading Towards a Conservation Success Story Friends of Hopkins Marine Station Thirty-Fifth Annual Lecture Series 2012-2013 Dr. Wallace J. Nichols, California Academy of Sciences In 1990 things were very bad for sea turtles in Pacific Mexico. The president had…