Sharks in Your Front Yard

The moon governs the tides, as it always has.

Heat, evaporation, the earth's rotation, and wind collaborate on storms. Just as they have for billions of years.

You live on a former sand dune. You live in a flood plain. You live on a filled-in wetland. Your basement is below sea level.

You've dumped half a trillion tons of carbon into the atmosphere.

You ignored all the predictions, the warnings, and the science.

Suck it up. Get used to this.

Nature doesn't care about your subways, your new roof, or that you just lost the World Series.

That's your business.

Nature isn't angry or vengeful.

And you can't stop the ocean. You are trying to stop the ocean. But you can't stop the ocean.

In Bangladesh people climb hills and trees and wait when major storms flood their towns.

Then they climb down, embrace each other, and start from scratch.

Welcome to the new normal.
