Oct 15, 2012 - US Fish & Wildlife: Inspiring Deep Connection w/ Natural World

Title: Inspiring a Deeper Connection with the Natural World

Date: Monday, October 15 at 1:30 p.m. Northeast Region Office Large Auditorium.

This seminar will be broadcast on the internet. You will be able to view the presentation by clicking this link or for closed captioning, please use this link

Presenter: Dr. Wallace "J" Nichols, Research Associate at California Academy of Sciences, and founder/co-director of two organizations: OceanRevolution.org, an international network of young ocean advocates, and LiVBLUE.org, a global campaign to reconnect us to our water planet.

About: Dr. Nichols, who is known as J, is a scientist, activist, community organizer, and author and he works to inspire a deeper connection with nature.

J will be talking to us about his inquiry into the application of cognitive science to biodiversity conservation, beginning with a project linking former sea turtle hunters to form a network of ocean advocates. He will introduce us to the start of a field called neuroconservation.

J Nichols is a Research Associate at the California Academy of Sciences and founder/co-director of OceanRevolution.org, an international network of young ocean advocates and LiVBLUE.org, a global campaign to reconnect us to our water planet. Lately he is working on BLUEMiND: The Mind + Ocean Initiative, merging the fields of cognitive science and ocean exploration.

He has authored and co-authored more than 50 scientific papers and reports and his work has been broadcast on NPR, BBC, PBS, National Geographic and Animal Planet and featured in Time, Newsweek, GQ, Outside Magazine, Fast Company, Scientific American and New Scientist, among others.