Oct 21, 2012 - Colorado Ocean Coalition Making Waves Ocean Symposium

Dr. Wallace J. Nichols will be speaking about BLUEMIND and the science behind our emotional connection to water at Making Waves.

The Colorado Ocean Coalition holds an innovative annual event called Making WAVES in Colorado in Boulder. This multifaceted symposium and celebration highlights ocean issues, solutions and is a change making event for engagement and national action.

Making Waves provides the general public access to and opportunities to interact with cutting edge researchers, well known speakers, award winning film makers and advocates creating an upwelling of supporters and inland ocean activists. The symposium is free however registration is required. See links below. Please note that seating for the keynote session and the other main auditorium speakers will be on a first come, first serve basis.

Click here for more information on the Making Waves 2012 weekend.

In addition, for Making Waves 2012 , the Colorado Underwater Photographic Society (CUPS) is sponsoring a photo contest with the finalists to be announced at the Ocean Symposium on Oct. 21. Click here for photo contest details and how to enter.

Click here for Ocean Symposium Registration and Ocean Celebration Tickets

Click here for Ocean Film Festival Tickets