Sept 17, 2012 - Green Living Project

in partnership with The International Ecotourism Society

Join us on Monday, September 17th for a Short Film Showcase in partnership with The International Ecotourism Society (TIES) and their ESTC 2012 Conference in Monterey, CA. We will be showcasing an exciting collection of our best global and domestic sustainability films!

Come experience the expedition team’s journey and witness the latest efforts in sustainable tourism, adventure travel, wildlife conservation, community development, education, sustainable food and more! Learn about exciting travel destinations and discover ways YOU can get involved. Mix and mingle with your community, our event sponsors and the GLP team.

Exclusive raffle prizeSEEtheWILD volunteer trip for 2 to Nicaragua to work with critically endangered hawksbill sea turtles! Work alongside local researchers studying and protecting this charismatic turtle in the beautiful Padre Ramos Estuary, a wildlife hotspot in the northwestern corner of the country. These turtles are among the most endangered in the world and you’ll help handle their nests and eggs, study and release hatchlings, and collect data on the size of the nesting turtles.

About Ecotourism and Sustainable Tourism Conference (ESTC):
The ESTC is a one-of-a-kind industry conference promoting sustainability in tourism. Organized by The International Ecotourism Society (TIES), the conference builds upon the successes of past national, regional and international conferences by TIES and our partners.

Learn more at

Dr. Wallace “J.” Nichols – Founder, Ocean Revolution

Dr. Wallace “J.” Nichols is a scientist, activist, community organizer, author and dad. He is a Research Associate at California Academy of Sciences and founder/co-director of Ocean Revolution, an international network of young ocean advocates, SEE the WILD, an international conservation travel portal and LiVBLUE, a campaign to reconnect people with our water planet. “J” works to inspire a deeper connection with nature, knowing that what really moves people is feeling part of and touching something bigger than ourselves. He blogs at

Equilibrio Azul (Ecuador)

Overfishing and garbage are major obstacles in the marine conservation world. Equilibrio Azul is fighting back to protect turtles, sharks, and other marine life along Ecuador’s pacific coastline through extensive wildlife research, grassroots community education, and popular voluntourism opportunities.

Working Bikes (Chicago)

Since 1999, Working Bikes has redistributed donated and discarded bicycles in order to provide opportunities for personal, social and economic empowerment to individuals and communities. The promotion of cycling as a healthy, affordable, and sustainable mode of transport is helping to rebuild the fabric of transportation not just locally, but worldwide.

Angelic Organics Learning Center (Illinois)
Angelic Organics Learning Center is dedicated to helping urban and rural people build local food systems. The organization offers opportunities to grow healthy food, connect with farmers and the land, and learn agricultural and leadership skills through their programs at partner farms and urban growing sites in northern Illinois.
Okapi Conservation Project (DR Congo)
The Okapi Conservation Project (OCP) was founded in tandem with the Okapi Wildlife Reserve to safeguard the biodiversity and culture of the Ituri Forest from illegal activities like poaching, mining, and logging. OCP works closely with local communities to protect the okapi – a species endemic to the region that also serves as a conservation ambassador to the Congolese people.
Potters for Peace (Nicaragua)
Potters for Peace is a social justice organization that helps women in Nicaragua better their lives through improved techniques and marketing for their pottery business. They also address issues of access to potable water by producing ceramic water filters they then distribute around the world.
Basecamp Foundation (Kenya)
Basecamp Foundation is a champion for sustainable tourism development in the Masai Mara region of Kenya. The Foundation established the Naboisho Conservancy in 2010 in partnership with 500 Maasai landowners – an agreement that helps conserve the land, its wildlife and the Maasai communities themselves.

Event Partner:

Film Partners:

Event Sponsors: