Entries for date "October 2011"

GQ Magazine: Keeper of the Sea

Scientist. Academic. Watchman. Wallace “J.” Nichols has made a career of protecting the oceans’ interests. Here, Nautica turns a spotlight on Nichols, and his superhero efforts, in order to make a splash for ocean conservation. From one million miles away, our planet looks exactly like a small blue marble. And…

Steve Jobs, Apple, and the Sea Turtles

This will sound like a stretch, but sea turtles owe much to the genius of Steve Jobs. As a young student of conservation genetics, my first computer was an Apple. At that time, geneticists went with Apple mostly by default as the graphics-rich software for sequencing DNA ran best, if…


The ocean is the single biggest feature of our planet. From one million miles away we resemble a small blue marble, from one billion miles a pale blue dot. The ocean covers more than 70% of the Earth's surface, holds more than 80% of its biodiversity and 90% of its…