Entries for date "March 2011"

Fast Company Magazine: The Blue Mind Tribe

Wallace "J" Nichols is crowdsourcing his life's work. And saving his home in the process. It's difficult to make it as an independent scientist. You have the freedom to study whatever you want, but don't have the financial security that comes with employment at a large institution. That's why Wallace…

Tsunami, a Sea Turtle and Plastic Pollution

Our thoughts are with our friends and their families in Sendai, Japan. I walked their beautiful coast with my partner Dana and photographer David Barron over a decade ago in search of Adelita's final location. The joy, traditions, hospitality and kindness of the people of Miyagi Prefecture were abundant. The…

Marine Ecology Progress Series

Peckham SH, Maldonado Diaz D, Tremblay Y, Ochoa R, Polovina J, Balazs G, Dutton P, and Wallace J. Nichols. 2011. Demographic implications of alternative foraging strategies in juvenile loggerhead turtles Caretta caretta of the North Pacific Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 425: 269-280. ABSTRACT: To assess the potential demographic consequences…