Entries for date "2011"

Three Places to Help the Ocean

As winter chills much of North America, thoughts may turn to warm blue waters. Looking out on the sea is one of the best way to sooth a frayed attitude and reset one's mind. Here are three of my favorite places to get enjoy the ocean while doing good. #1.…

Neoconsumerism: Blue Is the New Black

A couple of days ago my daughter asked her grandmother, "What's Black Friday?" When her grandmother told her, my daughter followed with: "Have you ever done it?" When I pulled on that thread it led to a conversation that is still unraveling. At the same time, news of camp-outs, body…

PLOS ONE: Oceanic hot spots.

Wingfield DK, Peckham SH, Foley DG, Palacios DM, Lavaniegos BE, R Durazo, WJ Nichols, DA Croll, SJ Bograd. (2011) The Making of a Productivity Hotspot in the Coastal Ocean. PLoS ONE 6(11): e27874. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0027874 Abstract BackgroundHighly productive hotspots in the ocean often occur where complex physical forcing mechanisms lead to…