Entries for date "August 2010"
Aug. 15, 2010
Senko, Jesse, Volker Koch, William M. Megill, Raymond R. Carthy, Robert P. Templeton, and Wallace J. Nichols. 2010. Fine scale daily movements and habitat use of East Pacific green turtles at a shallow coastal lagoon in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 391 (1–2): 92–100.…
Aug. 13, 2010
Chapter 36: Turtle Heart: Toward an Ocean Revolution by Wallace J. Nichols Explores the flourishing, passionate forms of leadership emerging from women on behalf of the earth and community• Contains more than 30 essays from successful women leaders, including writers Alice Walker and Eve Ensler, psychiatrist Jean Shinoda Bolen, holistic…