Entries for date "May 2010"

Endangered Species Research: Priorities

Hamann, M, MH Godfrey, JA Seminoff, K Arthur, PCR Barata, KA Bjorndal, AB Bolten, AC Broderick, LM Campbell, C Carreras, P Casale, M Chaloupka, SKF Chan, MS Coyne, LB Crowder, CE Diez, PH Dutton, SP Epperly, NN FitzSimmons, A Formia, M Girondot, GC Hays, IJ Cheng, Y Kaska, R Lewison,…

Saving Sea Turtles, Creating Jobs, Changing Lives

Two years ago we founded a project called SEE Turtles with the straightforward goal of saving sea turtles by helping people to experience the joy of these animals in the wild while generating income and work for people living with endangered sea turtle populations. The concept came out of more…