Entries for date "March 2010"

To eat or not to eat...an endangered species?

PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release 17 March 2010 To eat or not to eat…an endangered species? New study connects eating endangered sea turtles with human health risks Hunting of protected species such as whales, turtles and primates for human consumption remains one of the leading threats to their survival and…

Oxford Univ Press: Ocean Revolution Chapter

Drawing heavily on sea turtle ecology, migration and conservation themes our contribution to OUP's new Handbook of Marine Fisheries seeks to summarize the exciting times we live in for both the scientific breakthroughs and new technologies at our disposal and the urgent need to realign society with the natural limits…

Endangered Species Research: Monitoring

Melania C. López-Castro, Volker Koch, Antonio Mariscal-Loza, Wallace J. Nichols, Long-term monitoring of black turtles, Chelonia mydas, at coastal areas off the Baja California Peninsula, Endangered Species Research, 2010, Volumber 11, Pages 35-35, http://www.int-res.com/abstracts/esr/v11/n1/p35-45/ Abstract Monthly in-water monitoring was conducted at 5 foraging areas off the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico,…

Randall Arauz and Dr. Wallace J. Nichols Join Turtle Island Restoration Network Board

Olema, CA. Turtle Island Restoration Network announced this week that Randall Arauz, director of the Costa Rican environmental organization PRETOMA, and Dr. Wallace J. Nichols, of Davenport, CA, have joined the organization’s board of directors. Turtle Island Restoration Network is a nonprofit environmental organization that sponsors initiatives including the Sea…