Entries for date "2008"

Siguen el rastro de tortugas de Mexico a Japon

ricardo.ceron@eluniversal.com.mx Luego de haber colocado alrededor de 50 sensores de telemetría en igual número de tortugas caretta, mejor conocida como amarilla o caguama, científicos comprobaron que este quelonio realiza durante su vida, diversos viajes desde las costas de Japón a las de México. Esta migración, que equivale a atravesar el…

Ocean Conservancy Launches Conservation Tourism Program to Protect Endangered Sea Turtles

Washington, DC - Today, Ocean Conservancy announces its new conservation tourism program, Sea Turtle Ecological Expeditions (SEE Turtles). The program informs travelers about sea turtle locations where local conservation efforts are underway, resulting in support for sea turtle protection while increasing community resources that help residents thrive and value sea…

Union Tribune: Slow, steady wins conservation race

Not every scientist is comfortable being an agent of social change. But it's no stretch for Hoyt Peckham and other researchers affiliated with Pro Peninsula, a San Diego-based conservation group. They see it as their duty to protect the endangered loggerhead sea turtles they study along remote stretches of Baja…

PLENTY: Superhero of the Seas

Move over Captain Planet, the environment has a new superhero—a mystery man in a silver mask known as El Hijo del Santo (Son of the Saint). Part of the popular Mexican wrestling tradition lucha libre (freestyle wrestling), El Hijo del Santo is the spokesperson for Wildcoast Costasalvaje, a nonprofit that…