Variety Reviews: The 11th Hour (Documentary)

'The 11th Hour'

'The 11th Hour'

A Warner Independent Pictures release of an Appian Way/Greenhorn, Tree Media Group production. Produced by Leonardo DiCaprio, Leila Conners Petersen, Chuck Castleberry, Brian Gerber. Executive producers, Adam Lewis, Pierre Senizergues, Irmelin DiCaprio, Doyle Brunson, Al Decarolis. Directed by Leila Conners Petersen, Nadia Conners. Written by Leonardo DiCaprio, Leila Conners Peterson, Nadia Conners.
With: Ray Anderson, Kenny Ausubel, Janine Benvus, Tzeporah Berman, Leser Brown, Tim Carmichael, Theo Colborn, Herman Daly, Wade Davis, Peter deMenocal, Brock Dolman, Sylvia Earle, Rick Fedrizzi, Gloria Flora, Omar Freilla, Nathan Gardels, Michel Gelobter, Leo Gerard, Mikhail Gorbachev, Thom Hartmann, Paul Hawken, Stephen Hawking, Richard Heinberg, James Hillman, Jeremy Jackson, Wes Jackson, Tom Linzey, Andy Lipkis, Oren Lyons, Wangari Maathai, Jerry Mander, Bruce Mau, William McDonough, Bill McKibben, Rev. James Parks Morton, Wallace J. Nichols, David Orr, Mathew Petersen, Stuart Pimm, Sandra Postel, Andy Revkin, Stephen Schneider, Paolo Soleri, Paul Stamets, David Suzuki, Joseph Tainter, Betsy Taylor, John Todd, Vijay Vaitheeswaran, Peter Warshall, Sheila Watt-Cloutier, Andy Weil, Diane Wilson, James Woolsey. Narrator: Leonardo DiCaprio.

True to its doom-laden title, global-warming doc "The 11th Hour" presents the viewer with reams of depressing data, loads of hand-wringing about the woeful state of humanity and, finally, some altogether fascinating ideas about how to go about solving the climate crisis. Co-produced and narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio, this latest exercise in celebrity eco-activism lacks the personal touch that helped "An Inconvenient Truth" go green at the box office, but auds might warm to its layered insights and polished presentation, given careful nurturing by Warner Independent and effective showcasing as an educational tool.

DiCaprio and first-time helmer sisters Leila Conners Petersen and Nadia Conners scripted the film's text -- an earnest, sometimes clunkily verbose set of warnings about the dire state of the planet, which DiCaprio more or less recites at the camera. Narration is supplemented by a rapidly edited flood of devastating images that show not just meteorological phenomena such as tidal waves and Hurricane Katrina, but also shots of more basic signifiers of human greed -- deforestation, a bloody slaughterhouse, fishermen draining the ocean of its wildlife and rush-hour traffic in downtown Los Angeles.

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