Poem: Japan Train II

Japan Train II

The man in the blue uniform

And the formal hat

Stands straight in his white gloves

At the back of the train.

Kumatori, next stop, he says

Along with some other polite words

(polite sounding, to me, that is).

In his punctual shoes

And his punctual haircut

He is both relaxed

And crisp.

Crossing the car, he nearly swaggers

(how un-Japanese of him!).

At the door he spins

and bows,

a deep bow and two small ones.

(almost invisibly small, shadows of bows,

really, just hints of the ripples of the one bow,

like uncontrollable recoils from that big one)

Does he allow himself to wander,

To think of baseball,

His woman,

The absurdity of a net over an entire golf course?