Ocean Magazine: Cabo Pulmo

Cabo Pulmo

I knew that lovely head of yours

was churning poems

Between the sun's fall

and its rise again

And that they'd be of

water, sun, rocks

But, you should know

my each morning's quest:

To reach your nest

before the sun

To hear your voice

with the morning birds

To see your smile

with the new light of day

To revel in your

pajama'ed legs

And to gently pull and push

over cakes and coffee

Such things churn

the poems in my head

Ocean Magazine, Issue 12, 2006

Cabo Pulmo is the first place I landed in southern Baja, nearly 2 decades ago. Camped on her beach by a fire, I fell in love with her and began a tradition of writing about special places along the peninsula as if they were friends or lovers.

(about the poems)