Entries for date "2005"

Oxford University Press: Sea turtles in northwestern Mexico: conservation, ethnobiology, and desperation

Richard S. Felger, Wallace J. Nichols, and Jeffrey A. Seminoff. 2005. Sea turtles in northwestern Mexico: conservation, ethnobiology, and desperation. In: Edited by Jean-Luc E. Cartron, Gerardo Ceballos and Richard Stephen Felger, Eds. Biodiversity, Ecosystems, and Conservation in Northern Mexico. Oxford University Press. This book describes the biodiversity and biogeography…

California Wild: Turning Turtle

Wallace J. Nichols with Carl Safina Turtles are placed in nets to be weighed, then released. The data help conservationistskeep track of the animals’ health. photo: teri garland Isidro Arce is a tall, quiet man. He speaks with the authority of one who knows he is right and who has…

Wet, Wild and Sustainable

The air in our lungs, the water we drink, our climate and our food supply are all gifts of the ocean, the signature feature of our blue planet. The ocean is what makes this world a shelter for us; we owe much less to the scattering of dry land we…