I marched, I talked, I read, I wore my peace button on national TV, and then I listened as hundreds of bombs dropped on an ancient city full of human beings. I see images of children burned and bloody, now homeless. I cry. I hug my daughter. I know this…
Louise B. Brooks, James T. Harvey and Wallace J. Nichols. 2007. Tethered GPS/VHF transmitters: A high-tech, low-cost tool for fine scale, in-water tracks. In: Mast, R.B., Hutchinson, B.J., and A.H. Hutchinson, compilers. 2007. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-567, 205…
Vida de la Tortuga! Teachers' Guide, Eastern Pacific Green Turtle Activity Created by Susanna Musick; Contributors: Wallace J. Nichols, Zoe Rappoport Vida de la Tortuga (The Life of a Turtle) is an activity designed to teach elementary students about Pacific sea turtles. Students will learn about endangered species and how…
Raquel Briseño-Dueñas, Daniel Ríos-Olmeda, F. Alberto Abreu-Grobois, Wallace J. Nichols, Angeles Cruz-Morelos and Martha Osuna-Madrigal. 2007. A practice-based approach is used locally in Mazatlan to conserve marine turtles and their habitats. In: Mast, R.B., Hutchinson, B.J., and A.H. Hutchinson, compilers. 2007. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle…
Bird, K, WJ Nichols and CR Tambiah. 2003. The value of local knowledge in sea turtle conservation: A case from Baja Califorania, Mexico. In: Putting Fishers’ Knowledge to Work: Conference Proceedings, August 27-30, 2001. Fisheries Centre Research Reports, 2003 Volume 11 Number 1. Pages 178-183. ABSTRACT The use of sea…