Entries for date "October 2003"

Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK: Monitoring green turtles (Chelonia mydas) at a coastal foraging area in Baja California, Mexico

Jeffrey A. Seminoff, T. Todd Jones, Antonio Resendiz, Wallace J. Nichols and Milani Y. Chaloupka. 2003. Monitoring green turtles (Chelonia mydas) at a coastal foraging area in Baja California, Mexico: multiple indices to describe population status. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK 83(6): 1355-1362. Abstract From June…

Marine Turtle Newsletter: Divine Intervention: Lobbying the Vatican to Save Sea Turtles

Nichols, WJ, C Safina, and L Grossman. 2003. Divine Intervention: Lobbying the Vatican to Save Sea Turtles. Marine Turtle Newsletter 99: 29. Divine Intervention: Lobbying the Vatican to Save Sea Turtles Wallace J. Nichols1,2, Carl Safina3 & Lisa Grossman41Wildcoast International Conservation Team, POB 324, Davenport, California, 95017, USA2Department of Herpetology,…